Being a mac user, the options for ham radio software can be limited, but in recent years the quantity and more importantly the quality of programs available has really increased.
- Macloggerdx 5 57 – Auto Dx Radio Tuner Frequencies
- Macloggerdx 5 57 – Auto Dx Radio Tuner Preamplifier
- Macloggerdx 5 57 – Auto Dx Radio Tuner Receiver
My logging program of choice is MacLoggerDX, this nifty native mac app allows logging, spotting, contesting and remote rig control (to my ic9100) Don also writes a very neat mac based Satellite tracking program called MacDoppler. Though with no real Satellite interest, i haven't acquired that program.
- The Locator field in the DX and Contest Panels will tell you what Geolocation method MacLoggerDX has used for each lookup: MacLoggerDX resolves all call signs to the DXCC country level using the data published in the ARRL Operating guide: 'Locator: Country'.
- Then I import that into MacLoggerDX, and haven't had any problems. I am using v6.14 of MLDX, but I wouldn't think that is an issue. Using WSJT-X 1.8 rc2, and JTAlertX v2.10.3 I just did it this weekend and imported a bunch of QSOs into MLDX and then updated the info in them with callbook, uploaded them to QRZ and LOTW automatically.
- MacLoggerDX HD is an Amateur Radio application that monitors the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, casual Contesting or rag-chewing. It Alerts you to rare contacts or band openings by looking up and displaying real time propagation paths on a zoomable map. MacLoggerDX HD can log your contacts to a super fast sql database.
This RadioShack Portable Analog AM/FM/WX Weather Tabletop Radio with Analog tuner is a versatile, lightweight and portable radio, perfect for everyday use, vacations, and e. more $49.99 $55.00 (9% off). Being able to rotate the aerial would help. I get out of area stations on my Pure tuner via a 5 element DAB yagi, but only in the direction it points. If I had a rotator like FM DXers have then I would almost certainly get some interesting stuff - though DX has lost a bit of sparkle since practically every station has online presense.
Printworks 1 2 2 – all purpose desktop publishing. The program has a sister app for iPads. called MacLoggerDX HD, this software will share adif log files and offers all of the main apps functions on the iPad. I use the ipad when camping or from the car to log my contacts
But i think the best feature of all, is the remote rig control! watch this very neat video of the rig control in action!. 😀
Dog Park Software has announced that version 6.23 of MacLoggerDX has been released.
What's New in this version:
- Requires OS X 10.9+.
- macOS 10.14 (Mojave) compatible.
- Added Expert Electronics SunSDR2 Pro, QRP, MB1, Colibri Drivers.
- Added Icom IC-9700 driver.
- Added XieGuG90 Driver.
- Added preliminary multiFLEX (V3) support.
- Added Yaesu FTdx101D driver.
- Tweet DXCC name.
- Speed up ADIF Import.
- QSL Via only blue-tags calls with LoTW uploads within last year.
- Added Reject specific dxcluster spot frequencies.
- Added Log panel worked/confirmed unique call signs count.
- Log panel Contextual menu – Add QSO to Selection.
- Disable Logbook menu selections where prefs are blank.
- Added DX panel zip code VoiceOver descriptor.
- Change ADIF export *QSL_RCVDs from V to Y.
- Added ADIF export CONT (Continent).
- ADIF MODE export PKT for PACKET not FM.
- Added CW Keyer speed stepper.
- Filter out duplicate WSJT-X QSOs.
- Added snr to WSJT-X CQ spot comment.
- Log JTDX TX power.
- Log station power if WSJT-X power missing.
- Removed IC-706 CAT PTT from help files.
Macloggerdx 5 57 – Auto Dx Radio Tuner Frequencies
MacLoggerDX is The Mac Ham Radio Logbook choice in 120 countries. Features include:
Macloggerdx 5 57 – Auto Dx Radio Tuner Preamplifier
- Organizing and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, casual Contesting or rag-chewing.
- MacLoggerDX supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in, swinging your beam around.
- Alerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings and looking up, displaying on 2D, 3D and Satellite Maps and logging your contacts to a super fast sql database.
- MacLoggerDX can also text or email you when the Bands are open or that rare DX is spotted.
- Awards Tracking, Band Activity, Schedules, Memories, QSL Generation, ADIF import, export, Club Log integration, eQSL, LoTW Confirmations and much more.